Restored Community Church

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I.C.A.N. Prayer Request

Fellow Citizens and Believers!

There are three bills that have been introduced that will be working their way through the house that we will want to support. 

HO 381

PREBORN CHILDREN – Amends existing law to redesignate the terms “fetus” and “stillborn fetus” to “preborn child” and “stillborn child.”

HO 382

CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN – Amends existing law to provide that digital, computer-generated images may be considered in the crime of sexual exploitation of a child and to revise provisions regarding the Internet Crimes Against Children Unit.

HO 384

MINORS – Amends and adds to existing law to prohibit certain materials from being promoted, given, or made available to a minor by a school or public library, to provide a cause of action, to provide for damages and to provide for injunctive relief.

Please pray as these proposed bills go through the refining and debating stages.  We will provide a list of representatives contact information early next week so you can weigh in with your legislator for the support of these measures.