This week we’ve followed the final week of Jesus’ life as we’ve walked through Passion Week. It’s Friday. God’s still working. And Sunday’s coming! I hope you can join us this weekend with family and friends. This will be a special time of worship and fellowship. My message is called “The Evidence for Easter” and we’ll look at a few of the reasons we can believe Christ is alive and sitting at the right-hand of the Father. We serve a risen Savior!
Jesus takes His disciples to the upper room and they celebrate the Passover with a meal together. While there, He takes on the look and practice of a servant and washes the feet of all 12 men. They are taken back at this act of servanthood but Jesus shows them this is what it looks like to be great in the kingdom.
Jesus institutes the first communion with the 11 disciples telling them to remember what He’s about to do for them.
Jesus institutes the first communion with the 11 disciples telling them to remember what He’s about to do for them.
Jesus and the disciples have spent the night in Bethany, probably at the home of His friends Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. In the morning, the group walks the 3 miles to Jerusalem. Along the way, Jesus discovers a fig tree which looks good but produces no fruit. He curses it and it becomes an analogy of a life that looks good on the outside, but does not have Christ inside.