Restored Community Church

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Greetings friend,
Last week we saw a glimpse of God’s sovereignty over every life circumstance – good or difficult – when He pulled Joseph out of the prison and placed him in the palace.  And not just in the palace, but God moved Pharaoh’s heart and he made the now 30-year-old shepherd his second in command!  Talk about a job promotion!  He went from worst to first, okay second, in a matter of minutes. Listen, no matter what you’re going through right now, God is in control.  He’s providing you with the opportunities in which to glorify Himself, as well as grow you strong enough, wise enough, and ready enough to move on to the next chapter that He’s written for you. Yes, this life can be downright difficult and disappointing some days, but you know your Heavenly Father is walking alongside of you – providing, guiding, and sustaining you through each moment.  Run to His Word (I like to read the Psalms during my storms).  Spend significant time in prayer – both talking and listening to the Lord (He speaks through His Word, so meditate on it and pull out what He’s conveying to you through it), and worship Him in song throughout the day and night.
God has never let anyone down; not Joseph, not me, and He won’t let you down either.  Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you, too.
This weekend we’ll see the grand reunion between Joseph and his brothers. Imagine the intrigue of Joseph’s brothers coming to him in dire need, and he recognized them, but they didn't recognize their little brother whom they threw into a pit and sold off to slavery!  WOW! 

I hope to see you this weekend at one of our services!
Upcoming events:
Our Preschool opens soon, and we are almost full!  Thank you, Lord!  If you know someone who’s looking for a godly and safe environment where both educational and relational skills are taught, encourage them to go online for more information here:
Baby Dedications are almost here. Sign up soon to attend the Child Dedication class on Saturday, August 26th @ 10:30 am prior to dedicating your children to the Lord.
The Christian Action Network (CAN) is about to kick-off! Do you want to have a voice on the laws and bills being decided down at our Capitol? Are you concerned for the safety of our children at school and the future of our families?  Then CAN is for you! Sign up here to get involved:
Men’s and Women’s Bible studies begin in 2 weeks! Sign up on the patio between services, or online at  or
Ladies: Here’s a perfect way to get to know someone new at RCC!  Pick a date to either host in your home or attend a Brunch Bunch in someone else's home on September 15, 16, 22 & 23, from 10 am to 12 noon. Sign up on the patio between services, or online at 
I look forward to seeing you this weekend with a Bible in hand, and a smile on my face!
Pastor Ben

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