Greetings friend,

With the nights getting cooler it can mean only one thing – Fall is upon us! But more than that, it means that Bible studies are starting back up, Back to Church Weekend is almost here, and our annual Operation Christmas Child mission will begin shortly.

In our Study of Joseph this week we will see the 10 brothers + Benjamin return to Egypt in search of the much-needed grain that was necessary to survive during the world-wide famine. On their first trip, they bowed before their brother Joseph without recognizing him. Joseph knew them immediately, although he set out to test their hearts to see where they were with God. It didn’t go so well. When they received the grain, they came for, they had to return to Canaan without Simeon. He was held as leverage, forcing the brothers to bring Benjamin back to Egypt on a follow-up trip. We’ll see them stand before Joseph again, their brother-in-disguise, but this time their worst nightmare will come true. I hope you can join us for this compelling chapter in our story.

Back to Church Weekend is on September 16 & 17 and we’ll be celebrating Constitution Day as we recall God’s blessings and faithfulness to America. While revisionists are working hard to erase the Lord from our history, we are, in fact, a country founded upon Biblical Christian principles and truth. I hope you’ll come to church that weekend and bring friends and family to celebrate our great and loving God. After the 11am service, we will baptize those who desire to follow Jesus’ command; declaring Him as their Lord and Savior. Additionally, we will have Pepe’s Taco Truck and Kona Ice snow cones available. Please stay and join our church, our staff, Debbie and me for lunch and fellowship. We look forward to seeing you!

Upcoming Events:

The ladies Brunch Bunch is an annual gathering of women in homes with the purpose of meeting new friends during a time of fellowship. Sign up for the date that works for you: September 15, 16, 22, or 23 from 10am to noon. You can sign up to attend, or even host a group in your home. Either way, this will be a wonderful time of food, fun, and fellowship!

Operation Christmas Child (OCC) Meeting September 24 at 12:30pm @ RCC. OCC is a ministry which sends Christmas gifts to children living in third-world countries who have likely never received a present in their entire lives, let alone the Gospel. Our church packs the gifts which includes basic essentials and toys, along with a very special booklet explaining the Gospel and how they can know Jesus and His love for them. If you have a heart to reach kids, this ministry is for you.

The Christian Action Network (C.A.N.) is a new church organization started by Pastor Ben with a 3-part mission to encourage our state influencers to pass laws which are in line with Biblical principles. The mission is to make our voices known to legislators when bills involving our families, especially our children, come up for debate and a vote. We want to voice our Biblical values and truth, and encourage them to vote accordingly. God gave us the privilege of living in a country that espouses free speech, freedom of religion, and so much more, and we want to stand up and declare the values we see in scripture. If you’d be willing to;

Pray for our State and Local leaders;

Receive texts during the 90-day session and make phone calls/emails to representatives;

And attend a rally or two down at our State Capitol; then sign up at with your contact information.

Our world is beginning to shake with the birth pains of Christ’s soon return. We want to be found faithfully working to complete the mission He’s called us to; to know Him, and make Him known. Thank you for being such a wonderful and powerful part of our church’s mission and ministry. We stand humbly with you under the banner of Jesus Christ and in the grace He purchased for us long ago.

May the Lord bless you and may you bless Him,

Pastor Ben

