Hello friend,
God is on the move in our church! In the last few months, He’s grown us by 20%! I believe He’s done this for many reasons not the least of which is in preparation for the new opening of the Restored Life Center. He’s been so faithful to us – from our living room of 3 people in San Diego, to the 660 people in services last weekend, God is so good!
This weekend my sermon is called, "Unwrapping the Rapture" and I want to give you 5 things to remember about that Great Day when Jesus comes back to the clouds and calls us home. I hope you can join us!
On this Veterans Day I want to pause to thank everyone who has served our country! Thank you for your service to our country, to our freedom, and to everyone who participates in the greatest nation that ever existed!
Upcoming Events:
The RCC Kids Christmas Choir is getting ready to begin rehearsals soon! Sign up online at https://www.restoredcommunitychurch.org/coming-events/2023/rcc-kids-christmas-choir
Operation Christmas Child is under way. Pick up your box soon and return it by November 19!
Christmas services begin the first weekend of December! Look for people you can invite and/or bring with you to church! The season of our Savior’s birth opens many hearts during this time of year!
As we approach Thanksgiving, I’m so aware of God’s goodness, kindness, and faithfulness to the RCC church! Please join me as we give Him thanks for all the blessings He’s poured out on this young church, and, to you and me as well!
We praise you Father,
Pastor Ben