Merry Christmas friend,
I love this time of the year when the whole world seems to acknowledge Jesus as Immanuel – God with us. Oh, they may not believe it in their hearts, but they can’t seem to help it. I was at the store the other day and heard the song “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” and laughed to my self-saying, “If they only knew what these words were proclaiming, if they only believed that God had sent His Son down to us to redeem us back to Himself.”
Last weekend we began our Christmas series called, “The Cast of Christmas” where we’re looking at the cast of characters from the familiar story. We began, of course, with the Star of Our Story – Jesus.  This weekend we’ll continue with “Mary, Chosen Among Men.” I hope you can be in one of the services and that you’ll bring someone who needs to hear the Christmas story and the Gospel.
As we count down the days of 2023, so many of you have generously responded to our Restored Life Center building year-end campaign and I am so grateful! God is providing for our needs and He’s working through His people! I want to personally thank those who’ve caught the vision God’s given to RCC and let you know that it isn’t the size of the gift, it’s the heart behind the giver that blesses us here at Restored. If you haven’t yet joined in yet, and you’re being blessed by the ministry here, please pray about partnering with our church and consider giving whatever amount God places on your heart.
Upcoming Events:
RCC Kids Christmas Choir: This Sunday we will be blessed by our children and grandchildren as they sing some of the carols of Christmas during the 9:30 and 11am services! Don’t miss this!
I.C.A.N. is hosting a class by our Eagle Representative – Josh Tanner – on the Idaho Constitution. Join us Thursday night, December 14 @ 7pm for this inside look at our state’s most treasured document! Sign up online at
The RCC Adult Choir will lead us in Christmas worship next weekend, December 16/17 at all our services. Be sure to attend one of these amazing services as we sing carols and remember the Christ of Christmas!
The annual Christmas Candlelight and Carols will take place all weekend December 23 and 24. This is a wonderful opportunity to bring that person/people God has placed on your heart to invite to church! Invite family and friends to come celebrate the reason for the season at RCC!

Christmas Candlelight and Carols Service times: Saturday @ 5pm, Sunday @ 8, 9:30, 11am, & 12:30pm! (Children’s classes for age 0 – 5 yrs. Saturday @ 5pm; Sunday @ 9:30 and 11am)
May the wonders of Christmas – The birth of Jesus – never leave you!
Thanks for staying In Touch,
Pastor Ben

