Restored Community Church

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Hi Friend,
This week we’ve followed the final week of Jesus’ life as we’ve walked through Passion Week. It’s Friday. God’s still working. And Sunday’s coming! I hope you can join us this weekend with family and friends. This will be a special time of worship and fellowship. My message is called “The Evidence for Easter” and we’ll look at a few of the reasons we can believe Christ is alive and sitting at the right-hand of the Father. We serve a risen Savior!
After each service, we will be hosting "The Great Balloon Grab" on the back lawn for all kids 1 year to 5th grade.  Join us for the fun!  Register your children here to attend Easter Services as space is limited.
Dr. Jeremiah's team is looking for a few dozen servants that would be able to serve the day or night of the event on Thursday, April 20th down at the Extra Mile Arena at Boise State.

They’re looking for:
Set-up Chair-Team servants on Thursday morning.
Altar counselors at the close of the evening.
If you’d like to be a part of making this wonderful night a big success, you can contact:
Kelly Palmer
Coming Events:
Women’s Special Event – Fill Your Cup – Saturday May 6th @ 8:30am – Noon. Come hear the mother/daughter team of Dee Sarton and Brianne Gray (hosts of A Home That Heals) as they share their message on leaving a lasting legacy.  Early-Bird sign ups end April 16th so register soon in the lobby after services, or online at
Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, May 20th @ 9am. Join us for a burrito breakfast and a very special speaker. Register online at
Mother’s Day – May 13/14 - is almost here! Bring all the moms in your life to a very special weekend at Restored as we celebrate the ladies we hold so dear to us. We’ll provide a nice gift for every mom in attendance.
Restored Preschool is taking registrations for fall 2023! Let all of the young moms you know in on this very special opportunity here at RCC! Space is limited so help us get the word out. We have tuition assistance available for those who need it. Accepting students 3 and 4 years of age.
Tours available upon request. 
Contact Vicky at
I look forward to celebrating our Risen Lord together this weekend.
He Is Risen!
Pastor Ben

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