Greetings friend,

We’ve concluded our study of the Book of John, celebrated both Mother’s and Father’s Day, and now we have one weekend in between these before we Celebrate America. As I reflect on this past year, I’m reminded that God has been so good to us, and to our church. We have declared that we only want what God wants and have endeavored to stay right behind Him in all we do here at RCC. As the year has progressed, so many of you have caught the vision He’s given to us of a place where we could all meet together again at the same time to worship Him corporately. He’s providing rooms for our expanding children’s ministries so that the little ones will be able to grow in the knowledge of their Father and come to know Jesus as their Savior. God’s making it possible for us to host marriage, parenting, and other faith-building classes in the near future. And He’s bringing in the necessary finances to make this all happen! How? Through the many faithful people here at Restored, and across the country! Someone said, “Find out where God is working, go there, and invest your time, talent, and treasure.” This is a sure way to lay up treasures in Heaven!

This week in my sermon - His Treasure - Our Stewardship. I’ll reveal to you how we can manage the time, talent, and treasures He’s given to each one of us in order to assist in His kingdom-building work. I hope to see you at one of our four services!

Upcoming Events:

Servants Needed – Kidz Quest is our version of Vacation Bible School and we need you to help! Can you serve the 5 mornings of July 10 – 14? All you need are two hands, two feet, and a good attitude in order to help us share Jesus with elementary children from all over our community here at RCC! My father served until he was 82 years old and loved it! Register online by clicking on this link:

Celebrate America ~ July 1 & 2 is our annual 4th of July service where we give thanks to God for our country, and celebrate the men and women of our armed forces and first responders. The Restored Choir will be performing. Come join us for this special time of worship and bring someone who loves America! We honor those who’ve served with a special medal ceremony. Don’t miss this wonderful time together!

May the Lord bless you and keep you until we meet again, here or in Heaven!

Pastor Ben

