Greetings friend,

Last week we celebrated our first Christmas service in the new Worship Center! We enjoyed the beautiful decorations, we sang some wonderful Christmas songs, and we looked at the topic of Hope in the Heart of Christmas during our time in the Word.

This week we look at Peace through the Prince of Peace – Jesus, God’s gift to us! I hope I’ll see you at one of our services this Sunday.

Our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service is almost here! I’ve invited our good friend, Uriel Vega and his saxophone, to come and celebrate the birth of Christ with us. Uriel brings such a wonderful and warm vibe to our worship time, and you won’t want to miss it on Tuesday, December 24 at 4pm in our new Worship Center. This is an awesome family event! Childcare will be available for kids 3 and under. I hope you’ll invite some friends to join you.

In a recent poll, when unsaved people were asked if they would come to church if asked by a friend, over 80% said they would go. In the same poll, Christians were asked if they had invited someone to join them for a service during the last year and only 12% said yes. Jesus said the fields are white for the harvest, but the workers are few… Let’s invite our unsaved friends and neighbors to join us this Christmas to hear the Greatest Story Ever Told!

Upcoming Events:

This coming Sunday our Kid’s Choir is sharing a skit and song with us as we celebrate the Reason for the Season, the birth of our Savior. Yes, the cuteness factor will be high!

The following Sunday, December 15 in both services, we’ll be led in worship by the best church choir in Idaho! Come ready to sing and worship the Lord as we’re led in song by our choir director, Pamela Marich.

SAVE-THE-DATE Sunday night, December 29 @ 7pm for Leanna Crawford live in concert at RCC! If you listen to Christian music on the radio, then you’ll be familiar with her songs. Her most-recent chart-topper is “Still Waters” – Psalm 23. Sunday morning during our services Leanna will sing Psalm 23 and I’ll preach the passage. Then come back Sunday night for a concert with our own RCC Worship Team and Leanna’s band. Front doors open at 6pm. Concert begins at 7pm. This is a Free open-seating event. No childcare.

Women’s Bible Studies are starting back up on Thursdays in January, and this just in: Childcare will be available for all you mommas wanting to get into a powerful study! For more info go to our website

Men’s Bible Study will resume Wednesday nights @ 7pm. Check the website for more details.

As we close out another great year of teaching and reaching at Restored, I want to invite you to help us finish strong financially by making a year-end gift of any size - over and above - your regular giving.

My desire for Restored Community Church is to be mortgage-free in the next few years in order to leave a debt-free legacy to our children, grandchildren and the future generations coming behind us. Thank you for your faithfulness in 2024. I have lots of faith that God has big plans for our church in 2025. Our best days of ministry lay just ahead of us!

May the Lord keep you until we meet again; here, there, or in the air!

Thanks for staying In-Touch,

Pastor Ben

