Hello friend,
The Restored campus is really buzzing with all that’s going on! During the week, Men’s and Women’s Bible studies have launched (it’s not too late to join). The youth ministries have restarted mid-week programs, young adults starts Sunday night, Christmas choir is rehearsing, and so much more! For more details on how you can jump into one these amazing opportunities, click on our webpage.
This Sunday we’re beginning a new mini-series I’m calling “SCANDALOUS”. We’ll be going through the Book of Hosea and if you’re familiar with the subject-line then you know why I gave it that title, if not, join us Sunday at 9 or 11am and I’ll fill you in. If you’re watching us online, and are living in the Treasure Valley, this would be the perfect opportunity to make your first visit in-person! We’d love to meet you!
Coming Events:
Men’s Retreat September 26-28 at Camp Cascade, “Fish Tales and Other Stories From The Savior”. For more info and to sign up, click here.
Women’s Brunch Bunch is Back! Two weekends available; September 20 or 21, or 27 or 28. Pick one that works for you and sign up online or in the lobby. Come have food and fellowship with the ladies of RCC. You can host or attend.
Thank you for partnering with RCC through the sharing of your Time, Talent, and Treasure! Together we’re taking the Gospel to our valley and across the world! To give a reoccurring, or one-time gift, click here.
Thank you for your faithfulness, and for keeping InTouch!
In His grip,
Pastor Ben