Greetings friend,
This weekend we welcome the 4th service to our lineup! We’ve resisted this for far too long and now it’s plain to see the need for it in order to further meet the opportunity that God is bringing to us. Here are the new service times, including kids’ classes, effective immediately:
Saturdays: 5pm (with kids’ classes for birth – 5th grade with Family Pizza Fellowship afterwards)
Sundays: 8am (no kids’ classes), 9:30am and 11am (both with kids’ classes birth – 12th grade)
Last weekend we had over 500 people join us for worship and we look forward to the opening of The Restored Life Center @ RCC! As we continue to trust God for the future, thank Him for the present, and glorify Him for the past, we anticipate more opportunities to present the gospel to the lost, and equip The Forever Family to live faithfully all the way to heaven!
This weekend we begin John chapter 20 where we see Faith Awakened in the first believers of the risen Savior. Mary Magdalene, Peter and John all come to saving faith that first resurrection Sunday morning. I hope you can be in church this weekend!
Upcoming Events:
Stanton Health Baby Bottle Drive. Remember to return your baby bottles THIS FINAL WEEKEND.
Shop Talk Sunday, May 21 @ 9:30am in The Tent. Learn how Restored was born, what God is doing now, and where He’s leading us in the future. Come discover your place to serve at RCC.
Kids’ Moving Up Weekend June 3 & 4.
5th graders to Impact Middle School Ministry.
8th graders to Encounter High School Ministry.
12th graders to Gathering Young Adults Life Group.
For more info, contact Pastor Cole –
Big Summer House Parties begin the week of June 12th. Sign up to host a small group, to lead a small group, or to attend one of our valley-wide home Bible studies. Register here:
Restored Christian Preschool is now accepting registrations for this Fall for 3 and 4-year-olds!  Register at
I’ve been praying for you this week and I hope to see you on Sunday ready to worship the Lord!
Thanks for staying In-Touch,
Pastor Ben


