In Touch Ben Harris In Touch Ben Harris

This weekend in our study of the Book of John we begin chapter 18 with a sermon titled “5 Responses to Persecution.” We can all see ourselves in the life of Peter; one moment confidently walking with Jesus, and the next falling down in our faith at times. We will see Jesus’ response, Judas’ response, and Peter’s response to persecution. I hope you will join us.

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In Touch Ben Harris In Touch Ben Harris

Greetings Friend,

This weekend we’ll be in John 15 and 16 in our study of the book. I’ve titled the message “God In Your Life” and this part of Jesus’ message to the disciples covers the purpose, power, and presence of the Holy Spirit. When we repent and surrender our lives to Jesus, the Spirit comes into us and begins the work of transforming us into the image of Christ. He plays a critical and powerful role in our lives.

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