Greetings friend,
This weekend we will see the Blessings After the Storm in Jacob’s family. God blesses Joseph’s obedience and integrity; Jacob’s life of faithfulness; and the nation – His chosen – He’s promised to multiply in both number and influence. I hope to see you with Bibles in hand, and a smile on our faces. God is so faithful and so very good!
Sunday after church the men are celebrating Football, Food, and Fellowship with a tailgate party in the front parking lot at 5pm for food, and game kick-off at 6:20pm. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be provided but bring your favorite side-dish or dessert to share. Go Seahawks!
Shop Talk is Sunday, October 15th at 9:30am in our heated tent. Come hear the story of how God called us to plant RCC in Idaho; where we are now and where God is leading us in the months to come. Discover your spiritual gifts and how/where you can deploy them at Restored.
I.C.A.N. (The Idaho Christian Action Network) Kick-off Conference is Friday night, October 20th @ 7pm at RCC. We have 3 lawmakers joining us and retired News Anchor Dee Sarton will moderate the discussion. I’ll join them on the platform as we discuss questions like – “Should Christians get involved in political issues?” I hope you can join us – ARRIVE EARLY FOR SEATING! Doors open at 6:30pm!
Operation Christmas Child begins October 28th at RCC! Pick up a shoebox, fill it with gifts for children in need, and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ which changes lives forever!
God has been so good to this church – from its foundations in June 2016 all the way through today! He has blessed us with special people like you along the way and I want to thank you for being a wonderful part of our Restored Forever Family! Together we are building upon the eternal foundation which Christ laid out for us on the cross and we’re seeing people’s lives changed every week here in our church.
The Lord’s house is being built out front, as well, and we’re witnessing it rising from the ground into a worship center where, Lord willing, we will all come together to lift up the name of King Jesus soon. I want to invite everyone to give to what God is doing - inside and outside - the walls of this campus. We’re coming down to the final days of this year and we want to finish strong as we approach our giving goal to the Restored Life Center. Please be in prayer regarding your part in this amazing story of building God’s kingdom here in Idaho.
To give your gift, click here:
Thank you for loving God’s church through your prayers, gifts, and words of encouragement! You mean a great deal to Debbie and me.
Pastor Ben