Greetings friend,
We’ve finished our study on the life of Joseph and with all that’s going on in the world, especially in the Middle East. I feel compelled to begin a series which was scheduled for after the opening of our new Restored Life Center in the spring. I’m calling the series What Happens Next – The Order of the End of Time. We’ll begin the series this weekend and stay with it for a few weeks before pushing the pause button until next year. This weekend’s sermon is titled, “Setting the Stage” and we’ll briefly answer 3 questions; “Whose land is it anyway?” and “Who are the Palestinians?” and “Why can’t Jews and Palestinians get along?”. I hope you can join us for this compelling and timely message.
I want to tell you about two great opportunities we have coming up on the same weekend. Usually, we don’t plan back-to-back events but the timing of these can’t be helped, and I want to ask you to get out of your comfort zone in order to come to both of them.
First: We have our long-scheduled event called, “Embrace Our State” on Friday, November 3 @ 9:30am down at the Idaho State Capitol. We’ll begin with a short prayer and intros on the Capitol steps out front, and then be ushered inside to the Lincoln Room to be addressed by two of our Idaho Representatives (If it happens to rain, make your way directly to the Lincoln Room). We’ll hear from them as they inform us about where we are as a state, how we can pray for them, and what goes on down there when they are in session. This is a rare opportunity to get a look inside of our legislative process! Men, Women, and Children are welcome to attend! Note: This is an amazing fieldtrip opportunity for Homeschool families!!
Second: Two days later we’ve been invited to join our Jewish friends in Idaho at the I Stand With Israel event with Rabbi Mendel from our local synagogue back down at the Idaho State Capitol Sunday, November 5th at 4pm. We will stand side-by-side with the Jewish people of Idaho and declare 2 things loudly “Never again!” and “We stand with you!”. What took place in Israel on October 7th was a tragedy of epic proportions – the worst crime against the Jewish people since the Holocaust! We’ll have a short time of prayer and fellowship together as we support God’s people in their time of grieving for their loss.
Additional Upcoming Events:
Operation Christmas Child kicks off this weekend! Pick up your gift box(es) and begin filling them up with some of the recommended items and return them to our lobby on or before November 19!
Servant Appreciation Dessert, Friday, November 10 @ 7pm. If you serve in any capacity at RCC we want to appreciate you! Come for fellowship, encouragement, and tasty treats as we celebrate you!
RCC Kids Christmas Choir Sunday, December 10th @ 9:30 and 11am! Do you have a child 4 years to 5th grade? They’re invited to join our Kid’s Choir! Sign them up in the lobby after services, or online! Registration closes November 11.
What a privilege we have to share the Gospel with others, and to serve them as Jesus has called us to do! God is working in and through our church here at RCC and I hope you’ll get involved in what He’s doing!
May the Lord bless you, and may you bless the Lord for His goodness and kindness!
Thanks for staying In-Touch,
Pastor Ben