Hi friend,
Debbie and I are so excited to be back with you this weekend! I’ve been studying the life of Joseph for many days now and I can’t wait to share it with you in a series I’m calling Pit to Palace – The Life of Joseph. I hope you can be in one of our 4 services! We’ve missed you all.
For those who will live in Idaho, I want to invite you to the launch of the Christian Action Network (CAN) here at our church. Last legislative session I felt behind the curve as important bills were coming up for a vote in various meetings – bills which affect our school aged children! Should gender confused kids be allowed to go into opposite sex bathrooms and locker rooms? Should books depicting LGTBQ sex acts be allowed to sit on shelves in our kids’ libraries? Do parents have a right to know about these issues before they’re taught to our children? This last session I came late to the party, but that won’t happen again. I am launching CAN as a citizen awareness as to what bills are up for a vote, and to encourage Christians to let their representatives know how they feel about certain issues BEFORE they’re made into laws!
Additionally, we want to support legislators who think and vote biblically. Sometimes it feels very lonely when you’re at the tip of the spear and we want to let them know we’re standing behind them.
The next session will begin in January 2024 but we want to be prepared now. If you’d like to receive texts about important laws coming up for a vote, and you’d be willing to leave a message informing your representatives on how you’d like them to vote, you can register on the Restored Community Church website at Restoredcommunitychurch.org under the CAN link. We will not share or sell your information. We will use it to keep you informed and ask you to contact your legislators when appropriate.
By building this awesome 9-1-1 team I believe we CAN push back against the darkness and help leave a better future for our kids and grandkids.
I hope you’ll join our team.
Speaking truth in love,
Pastor Ben