Greetings friend,
Last weekend I taught an overview of the life of Joseph. This weekend we begin our verse-by-verse study called Pit to Palace – The Life of Joseph, and I hope to see you in one of our services. This story is one of the most captivating in all of the Old Testament. It includes family strife, power struggles, treachery, resentment, bitterness, anger, a dark plot, a heartbreaking betrayal, failure, success, and forgiveness. It’s a rags-to-riches story as old as time. Be sure to be in one of our 4 services: Saturday at 5pm, Sunday at 8am, 9:30am, or 11am, and bring a friend!
Soon we will be launching our Restored Christian Preschool. We have openings for 3 and 4-year-olds. If you, or someone you know, are looking for a God-honoring learning, in a safe environment, RCP is for you. Click here for more information:
Upcoming Events:
New Ministry – The Christian Action Network (CAN) is a group of Christians who want to see God honored in our schools and cities here in Idaho. Sign up to get updates and notices of when and how to contact legislators who will be voting on various bills which will affect our families. Register here:
Shop Talk- Sunday, August 13, at 9:30am at RCC. Are you curious about how our church got its start, or where we’re headed? Would you like to discover your place to serve here at church? This class is for you! Sign up online at:
Prayer Team meets every Saturday at 8am at RCC. Come lift up our friends and church together. For more info click here:
May the Lord bless you and keep you, and may we bless the Lord with our lives!
See you this weekend,
Pastor Ben