Greetings friend,

This Sunday we begin a new series called “A Cry to Heaven.” Over the next few weeks, we will study the lives of some of the most well-known biblical characters in God’s Word in order to see how they fell to sin, and what they did to return to the Lord in order to walk with Him and continue on in their mission.

The many stories of fallen people like King David, and many empires bears this truth out; “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Proverbs 14:34

I think we all know and sense that America is at the precipice of a great and terrible judgement if we fail to Repent and Return as a people, a church, and a nation. In view of this, God has placed a heavy weight on my heart to do just that BEFORE the coming election which, I believe, will have consequences on us, our children, and grandchildren for decades to come. America has drifted away, and now it’s up to us to pray her back into the safe harbor of God’s protection, provision, and purpose before it’s too late. In Hosea, Israel failed to hear and respond to God’s warnings. Let’s do better by understanding the times in which we live, diagnose how we got to where we are, and respond with God’s cure both for our nation, and for ourselves and our forever-family. If we fail to obey God’s Word – the Cure – then we will have no one to blame but ourselves when we fall.

So, what can we do to return our nation to God? With the elections so close at hand, I’m asking you, personally, to begin praying.

Pray for:

Christians (you and me) to repent over any sins which have a stronghold in our lives; any passivity in our walks with God, any secret sins, and any refusal to Love God, Love people, and any reservations we might harbor about making disciples. There is no room for arguments here where God has already spoken.

• Pray for President Biden’s salvation. Pray for VP Harris’ salvation. Pray for congresspeople and judges, and anyone else in authority over us, to come to Christ.

1 Timothy 2:1-4 “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. This is not optional for Christ-followers. Pray for our rulers, despite how they carry out their rule.

• Pray for the wounds and division in our country. That we may be, more and more, united under the banner of love through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

• And Pray that we might return to our Biblical foundations as a nation.

THEN… On Sunday, October 27, in one big all-church service at 10am, we’ll cry out to God together. Mark your calendars! We will come together as God’s People – The Church – to call upon the only name that saves – Jesus – and present our Heavenly Father with our prayers and petitions. We will read God’s Holy and Life Changing WORD together, and we will worship Him in Spirit and truth. We’ll have shuttles running from Eagle High for additional parking.

Afterwards, we will exercise our responsibility to vote Biblically on November 5th, and we will exercise our faith by leaving the outcome in His hands. I hope you will make every effort to come in-person to this very important day in history and invite some friends.

“…who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

May the Lord bless you, and may we bless the Lord!

Pastor Ben

