Greetings friend,
Last weekend we began our new series called, “What Happens Next – The Order of the End of Time”. With the Middle East erupting in war, so many people are asking pertinent questions regarding what the Bible has to say about the news headlines we’re seeing in the media. If you missed our first sermon you can watch it here:
Embrace Our State is this Friday @ 9:30am down at the Capitol Steps out front. We have a unique opportunity to go pray on the steps, and then have a special meet & greet in the Lincoln Auditorium together. Please plan on attending with your entire family (kids are welcome along with homeschool families) as we hear from some of our state representatives about what goes on down there, how we can pray for them, and other interesting topics. To sign up click here:
Coming Attractions:
This Saturday night we set our clocks back! That’s right, we get an extra hour of sleep!
The Annual Servant Appreciation Dessert is Friday night, November 10 @ 7pm! If you serve at RCC in any capacity, you are invited to join us as we celebrate those who give of themselves each week. Fun, Fellowship, & Food! Sign up here:
Operation Christmas Child is under way! Stop by the lobby for your boxes and fill them up!
RCC Kid’s Christmas Choir Rehearsals begin soon! Sign up online at:
This fall is going to be action-packed at Restored. I hope you’ll take advantage of the wonderful ministry opportunities that will be here soon!
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and give you rest.
Thanks for keeping In Touch,
Pastor Ben